Arizona marriage certificate with Hague apostille: order online

Home - Arizona Hague apostille - Arizona marriage certificate with Hague apostille: order online

Arizona marriage certificates are public (unrestricted) records. We will be happy to obtain a certified copy for you, and have it apostilled.

Please complete the form below.

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1 Country of intended use 2 Marriage details 3 Shipping information 4 Contact information 5 Order summary & payment

Hague apostille or embassy legalization?

This form is intended for ordering documents for Hague countries (countries that accept Hague apostilles*). If your country of intended use is not listed below, please contact us for the price estimate and time frame.

Country of intended use *
* An apostille is an official certificate issued by the government on the state or federal level that makes a document from the United States acceptable in other countries that joined the Hague Apostille Convention. 
In the State of Arizona, as in all states of the United States of America, an apostille is not a stamp. It is a separate page attached to the document.


** Countries that did not join the Hague Apostille Convention require that U.S. documents intended for use in these countries are legalized by their embassies / consulates.
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1 Country of intended use 2 Marriage details 3 Shipping information 4 Contact information 5 Order summary & payment

Marriage certificate details:

Husband/Spouse 1: first, middle, last name *
Wife/Spouse 2: maiden name (if applicable)
Date of marriage (mm/dd/yyyy) *
If available, upload a copy of your marriage certificate (for information)
Drag & Drop Files Here Browse Files
County where marriage license was issued *
How many apostilled marriage certificates do you need?*
1 ($325)
2 ($425)
3 ($475)
4 ($525)
5 ($575)
6 ($625)
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1 Country of intended use 2 Marriage details 3 Shipping information 4 Contact information 5 Order summary & payment

Scanned copies by email:

Would you like to received scanned copies by email before the documents are shipped?*This service is free

Shipping instructions:

We ship to third parties. 

We always email the tracking number so that you can watch for the package.

  • USPS Priority Mail (within the U.S.): free
  • FedEx (U.S., 2nd day): $20
  • FedEx (U.S., standard overnight): $30
  • FedEx (International): $75 (except Eastern Europe, South America, Africa)
  • FedEx (International): $115 (Eastern Europe, South America, Africa)

Upon request we will email scanned copies of the apostilled document(s)

Name of addressee *
Company (optional)
Shipping address: line 1 *
Shipping address: line 2
City: *
State, province *
Zip (postal) code *If your country does not have postal codes, please enter "0"
Country *
Phone number (required for FedEx shipments)
Additional instructions for delivery (if any) Building entrance code, gate code, etc.
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Complete 60%
1 Country of intended use 2 Marriage details 3 Shipping information 4 Contact information 5 Order summary & payment

Contact information:

We will contact you by email or by phone in case we have any questions about your order. 

Your name: *
Your email: *
Your phone number: *
Your message (optional):
0 (Max. 500 Characters)
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Complete 80%
1 Country of intended use 2 Marriage details 3 Shipping information 4 Contact information 5 Order summary & payment

Order summary:

Country of intended use: Albania (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Andorra (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Antigua and Barbuda (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Argentina (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Armenia (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Aruba (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Australia (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Austria (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Azerbaijan (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Bahamas (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Bahrain (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Barbados (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Belarus (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Belgium (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Belize (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Bolivia (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Bosnia and Herzegovina (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Brazil (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Bulgaria (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Canada (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Chile (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: China (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Colombia (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Costa Rica (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Croatia (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Cyprus (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Czech Republic (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Denmark (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Dominican Republic (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Ecuador (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: El Salvador (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Estonia (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Fiji (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Finland (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: France (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Georgia (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Germany (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Greece (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Grenada (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Guatemala (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Honduras (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Hong Kong (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Hungary (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Iceland (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: India (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Indonesia (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Ireland (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Israel (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Italy (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Jamaica (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Japan (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Kazakhstan (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Kosovo (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Kyrgyzstan (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Latvia (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Liberia (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Lichtenstein (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Lithuania (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Luxemburg (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Malta (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Marshall Islands (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Mexico (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Moldova (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Monaco (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Mongolia (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Montenegro (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Morocco (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Mozambique (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Namibia (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Netherlands (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: New Zealand (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Nicaragua (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: North Macedonia (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Norway (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Oman (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Panama (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Paraguay (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Peru (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Philippines (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Poland (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Portugal (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Romania (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Russia (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Saint Kitts and Nevis (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Saint Lucia (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Samoa (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: San Marino (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Sao Tome and Principe (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Saudi Arabia (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Serbia (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Seyshelles (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Singapore (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Slovakia (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Slovenia (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: South Africa (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: South Korea (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Spain (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Sweden (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Switzerland (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Tajikistan (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Trinidad and Tobago (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Tunisia (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Turkey (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Ukraine (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: United Kingdom (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Uruguay (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Uzbekistan (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Country of intended use: Venezuela (Hague country, accepts apostilles)

Document: Marriage certificate (AZ)

Legalization: Hague apostille (AZ)

Number of documents: 1

Price: $325

Processing time: currently 2-6 weeks (depending on the county) + mail


Document: Marriage certificate (AZ)

Legalization: Hague apostille (AZ)

Number of documents: 2


1st certificate + apostille:  $325

2nd certificate + apostille: $100

Processing time: currently 2-6 weeks (depending on the county) + mail


Document: Marriage certificate (AZ)

Legalization: Hague apostille (AZ)

Number of documents: 3


1st certificate + apostille:  $325

2nd certificate + apostille: $100

3rd certificate + apostille: $50

Processing time: currently 2-6 weeks (depending on the county) + mail


Document: Marriage certificate (AZ)

Legalization: Hague apostille (AZ)

Number of documents: 4


1st certificate + apostille:  $325

2nd certificate + apostille: $100

3rd certificate + apostille: $50

4th certificate + apostille: $50

Processing time: currently 2-6 weeks (depending on the county) + mail


Document: Marriage certificate (AZ)

Legalization: Hague apostille (AZ)

Number of documents: 5


1st certificate + apostille:  $325

2nd certificate + apostille: $100

3rd certificate + apostille: $50

4th certificate + apostille: $50

5th certificate + apostille: $50

Processing time: currently 2-6 weeks (depending on the county) + mail


Document: Marriage certificate (AZ)

Legalization: Hague apostille (AZ)

Number of documents: 6


1st certificate + apostille:  $325

2nd certificate + apostille: $100

3rd certificate + apostille: $50

4th certificate + apostille: $50

5th certificate + apostille: $50

6th certificate + apostille: $50

Processing time: currently 2-6 weeks (depending on the county) + mail


$ 0.00
USPS Priority (U.S. only)
$ 0.00
FedEx (U.S., 2nd day)
$ 20.00
FedEx (U.S., standard overnight)
$ 30.00
FedEx (International, except Eastern Europe, South America, Africa)
$ 75.00
FedEx (International, Eastern Europe, South America, Africa)
$ 115.00
$ 0.00
Payment method*
Credit card / Debit card / PayPal

Our Zelle email is

In the message please write "Arizona marriage certificate with apostille" and your name.

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 Arizona marriage certificate with a Hague apostille

  • $325 

  • Discounts for multiple documents
  • All government and state fees included
  • 2-4 weeks turnaround time
  • Free shipment within the U.S.
  • International shipment available
  • Scanned copies by email before the document is shipped to you
  • Money back guarantee, if we are unable to obtain your certificate


We understand that your information is confidential. Be assured that no unauthorized parties will see your information.

Foreign Documents Express


331 Newman Springs Rd., Bldg. 1

4th Floor, Suite 143

Red Bank, NJ 07701


Phone: (646) 267-1140

Fax: (507) 473-8251




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